A glimpse into the fright ....
The day Rob and Ross took down the hanging cabinets over the oven. Pardon the clutter ... this is what a house looks like when cabinets are emptied and contents are strewn over every horizontal surface available.
The moment the hanging cabinets detached from the ceiling. Note the pillow, stuffed rabbit, and red padded lunch tote to cushion the fall.
An open kitchen!
A disappearing kitchen. This picture is difficult to look at. To think that we've vacuumed, spot-cleaned, and steam-cleaned this carpet to no end, and it's still disgusting. It will be disappearing soon. SOON.
This picture makes me think of the Richard Pryor movie "Moving." "We're taking it with us!!!"
Where'd it all go? TO THE TRASH!!!!!
Well ... not all to the trash. We still have to function somehow with kitchenesque abilities, so my creative husband moved the cabinets, sink, dishwasher, microwave, convection oven (and eventually refrigerator) to the porch. He even hooked up the sink with hoses connected to splitters at the outside hose spigot and the inside wash machine spigot, so I have hot and cold running water and a functioning dishwasher. The porch now feels a lot like our various college apartments (everything within six easily accessible feet), but it works for now.
Now you see the '70s ...
... now you don't!
The former exterior door is now an open doorway to the new entryway. The yellow tape on the floor shows the outline of the new cabinetry.
Note the grey pipe sticking up out of the floor on the left side of this picture. Rob and Dave trenched the concrete floor and laid in conduit so we can have a power outlet at our new island.
Who, exactly, panels the ceiling???
If only this remodel was going as fast as it takes to scroll through this post. We started ripping into the laundry room four weeks ago. All told, we're making great progress, and we're crossing our fingers that we'll have the entire process done by the end of May.
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